Leading Healthier Lives
We are dedicated to enhancing the health and wellbeing of our community to lead healthier lives. Our goal is to ensure that patients in Northampton receives personalised, compassionate care that meets the highest standards of excellence.
Discover the difference that General Practice Alliance is making in Northampton as we continue to deliver innovative solutions and projects.

Healthy Hearts Community Hubs
Our Health and Wellbeing Coaches have arranged group sessions for individuals with hypertension and coronary heart disease. The aim is to enhance their health, educate them on blood pressure monitoring, and provide a platform for connecting with others facing similar diagnoses. These sessions have been developed in collaboration with the national NHS Peer Leadership team.

We have embarked a new project in collaboration with Public Heath, West Northamptonshire Council to address the health inequalities for people diagnosed with COPD. Our Health and Wellbeing Coaches will deliver one-to-one sessions with people with COPD to help them make healthier choices and link them into a comprehensive pathway of holistic support.

Group Consultations
The Personalised Care and Pharmacy teams has collaborated closely with our GP practices to introduce group consultations. These sessions offer expert clinical guidance in addition to peer support. By replacing one-on-one consultations, group consultations help save clinical time, enhance access to clinicians, and research shows increased patient satisfaction.

Frequent Attenders
Our Personalised Care services have collaborated with Leicester Terrance Health Care Complex on a pilot project focused on frequent surgery attenders. The goal is to decrease healthcare usage, enhance the well-being of participants, and foster better collaboration among services through a support pathway.

The Chronic Pain Pathway
Our GPA SPRING have worked in collaboration with services to develop a chronic pain peer support pathway. We held free live online webinars where people will learn mindful acceptance-based skills, discover local support, and learn how to safely reduce pain medication to live well.

Diabetes Peer Groups
In recognition of the value of Peer Groups in enabling people to build their skills, knowledge, and confidence to make positive lifestyle changes, our Spring social prescribing service has set up and delivers diabetes peer groups across the borough in collaboration with our GP practices. To ensure sustainability of these groups, we partnered with Diabetes UK who are training up peer leaders to facilitate the groups after an initial six-week programme delivered by SPRING Social Prescribers.