Monday 10 October 2022, is World Mental Health Awareness Day.

Why is there still so much stigma about mental health? Let’s fight that perception together!

You can watch two beautifully produced videos by clicking on the links below. Both include a Psychiatrist, Dr Nick Prior.

In the first, Nick and NHS colleagues speak out.

In the second, Nick talks in more detail about his own experience of bi-polar and working as a psychiatrist.

Dr David Smart, GPA’s, Clinical Director, Prevention and Mental Health, who knows Nick, says:

‘Stigma kills and compassion saves. I have had my own episode where I’ve had to go to my GP for help. It’s okay not be okay and get help. I have focused more on personal action to keep myself well and found the 10 keys to happier living offers a great framework (see more below)’ .

 Further resources for you to check out on World Mental Health Day

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